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Oscar et les mouches

The Bear - #ArtCOP21


A bear wanders the ocean looking for is first love, the ice flow.
Yvann explores the world. From time to time, he stops by a garden, a courtyard... to tell this story with his kamishibaï.

Aude Henrye


Yvann came from the North. In his suitcase is his butaï full of images. He stops by a garden, a courtyard... to share with us the amazing story of a polar bear looking for his lost first love, the ice pack.

The show: For audience from 4-5 years old.
Duration: 15 min / Performers: 1 or 2 / Audience from 35 to 135 people / Space needed: 2x2 meters.

Can be played outside and inside.
Themes: water, love, climate change, biodiversity.

Aude Henrye

The kamishibaï is a form of storytelling using picture scrolls. The really light set provides many opportunities to tour in various places with very little logistics. Using the kamishibaï, among other techniques, we have created several shows dealing with environmental issues. We have been funded by the Basse-Normandie region for our sustainable development approach. The team is fluent in French, English and Spanish.


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« ArtCOP21 – Agenda culturel Paris Climat 2015 »

